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Hole Sponsorship at the 2022 Trinity Golf Classic 

The Trinity Golf Classic is an annual scramble golf tournament to benefit Trinity School. This fundraiser offers a day of friendly competition, lunch, prizes and fellowship. This year we are seeking 18 individual “Hole Sponsors” for the tournament. 

Please consider being a 2022 Hole Sponsor for this worthy cause!

Sponsorship Package Includes:

  • Four golfers in the tournament ($600 value)

  • 18” x 24” sign with your logo on a designated hole during the tournament

  • Your company name acknowledged during the lunch following the tournament

  • Your company logo on the 2022 Trinity Golf Classic website

  • Your company mentioned on Trinity School at River Ridge’s social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram)

  • Your company mentioned in the 2022-2023 Trinity Family Directory

Thank you for your support of Trinity Schools.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Hole Sponsor (4 included) $0.00

Hole Sponsor (Without Golf) $0.00
I authorize Trinity School at River Ridge to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Trinity Golf Classic. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.
